You need this now: How to make a super healthy and indulgent pasta dish for your home party

A few months ago, we adopted two dogs. I didn't know which kennel to choose, but looking on Facebook at the rescue organizations near me, an adorable dog caught my eye. It was a Lagotto Romagnolo, an ancient Italian breed initially used to hunt for truffles. I contacted the lovely volunteer at the kennel of Certaldo, in the center of Tuscany, and she asked what kind of lifestyle we had. I told her we're active, love hiking, hanging out at the beach, running, etc. and when we came to look at their dogs, she introduced me to a French Pointer, who had an abundance of energy. My last dog was also a French pointer, so it was a done deal. She also showed us a second dog, a Maremmano puppy, but I didn't make a connection with her.
I want to see Lagotto. He was hiding way in the back of his cage, terrorized and traumatized, and from what I understood, the volunteer didn't think it would be the right fit for us. Then Marlon started to fall in love with the Marremana puppy, and our choice was made. But I kept thinking about that poor Lagotto.
One day Marlon saw a man walking one near our house. Coming home saying: "What do you think about having three dogs?" But these two are plenty. Still, I checked out the  rescue site and what do you know, after month and months in the kennel, the Lagotto was finally going to his new home, a family that made the long trip from Liguria many times over and are very concerned with giving him the best life. Fortunately, this happened right before the lockdown. It cried; I was so happy—Marlon as a bit disappointed. And the very next day, he went biking and encountered a man with three Lagotti, who were hunting truffles. He talked to the man, and this man, most people are so lovely here, gave Marlon a truffle. So that night, I made this pasta, to celebrate the successful adoption of that adorable dog and for Marlon to give consolation prize. Have a good life, little one.

You might say that truffles are an unnecessary luxury in this challenging time. I disagree, truffles are actually really healthy, full of minerals, antioxidants, they are antibacterial, see more HERE.

I kept it very simple:

Use any delicate pasta, I used tortellini with cheese
Fresh Truffle
Truffle oil

Cook the pasta according to the package ( always shave off a minute)
Heat the Olive oil and heat half the truffle and garlic, only 30 seconds or so, depends on the heat
Drain the pasta.
Add the Truffle, truffle oil, and shave the rest of the fresh truffle over it
Add Parmesan to your liking